Politická instrumentalizace československého disentu ve Francii. K dopisům Jana Vladislava Václavu Havlovi
Astrid Muls, Faculté de Lettres, Traduction et Communication de l’Université Libre de Bruxelles
recenzovaný článek
s. 84–95 (obrazová příloha s. 112–113)
licence CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/legalcode.cs)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.63013/la.2023.04
The Political Instrumentalization of Czechoslovak Dissidents in France: Jan Vladislav’s Letters to Václav Havel
Beginning in 1981, Jan Vladislav lived in exile in France, where he continued his publishing activity and participated in the promotion of works by other Czechoslovaks, particularly Václav Havel. He also participated in the week of Czechoslovak culture in France in 1984, which was organized to follow the belated ceremony for Havel’s being awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Toulouse–Le Mirail two years earlier. Using his personal correspondence, particularly with Havel, deposited in the Václav Havel Library archive and in the Vladislav Papers at the Literary Archive of the Museum of Czech Literature, the article assesses Vladislav’s reflections on the reception and promotion of Czechoslovak dissident culture in France and it also takes into consideration the difficulty of promoting literature by dissidents, a cultural product that in France was markedly politicized and promoted by left-wing individuals.
Klíčová slova:
Jan Vladislav; československý disent; Francie; západní recepce; Václav Havel
Jan Vladislav; Czechoslovak dissidents; France; reception in the West; Václav Havel
Muls, Astrid: Politická instrumentalizace československého disentu ve Francii. K dopisům Jana Vladislava Václavu Havlovi. Literární archiv 55, Jan Vladislav. Ke 100. výročí narození, 2024. Ed. Michal Jareš, s. 84–95; https://doi.org/10.63013/la.2023.04.