Krajina detstva Jana Vladislava – literárne návraty do rodného mesta

Marián Kamenčík, Filozofická fakulta Univerzity sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave


recenzovaný článek

s. 10–35 (obrazová příloha s. 100–104)

licence CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 (


The Landscape of Jan Vladislav’s Childhood: Literary Homecomings



This article discusses the hometown of Jan Vladislav (born Ladislav Bambásek), Hlohovec, in south-west Slovakia, during Vladislav’s youth and also the one time he visited it as an adult. The main subject of analysis will therefore be Vladislav’s two short autobiographical prose works: ‘Galgócz MDCLXXXIII’ and ‘Návraty, domovy’ (Returns, homes). In this connection we discuss the socio-cultural background of the town, which influenced the young Ladislav and formed him in his early childhood. Expressing a special symbolic perception of the topography of the town, Vladislav’s writing is a fascinating source of his reflections on the value of centre and periphery, stability and change, the eternal and the temporary, as well as other contrasts, whose main motif is often the river. The author also considers Vladislav’s views on the phenomenon of one’s home in relation to one’s birthplace, while considering his often-presented idea that home exists in time, not in space. This memoir-fiction thematically set in Hlohovec creates a special epic space filled with objects and populated with figures, which represent the world of Vladislav’s childhood, set its rules, and symbolize or metaphorically express profoundly experienced moments. It is this world the article examines and seeks to understand by considering the author’s literary recollections.


Kľúčové slová:

Jan Vladislav; Hlohovec; rodisko; autobiografickosť; spomienky; domov; motív rieky


Jan Vladislav; Hlohovec; birthplace; the autobiographical; reminiscences; home; river as motif


Kamenčík, Marián: Krajina detstva Jana Vladislava – literárne návraty do rodného mesta. Literární archiv 55, Jan Vladislav. Ke 100. výročí narození, 2024. Ed. Michal Jareš, s. 10–35;

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