„Takhle to setkání po letech musíme nechat na jinou chvíli.“ Korespondence Jana Vladislava a Josefa Škvoreckého v letech 1980–1984
Michal Jareš, Ústav pro českou literaturu Akademie věd ČR
recenzovaný článek
s. 116–169 (obrazová příloha s. 170–171)
licence CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/legalcode.cs)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.63013/la.2023.05
‘Our first meeting after so many years will, it seems, have to be postponed’: Jan Vladislav’s Correspondence with Josef Škvorecký, 1980–84
This selection of correspondence between Jan Vladislav and Josef Škvorecký includes letters from Vladislav’s early years as an exile in France at the beginning of the 1980s. It presents a lively, friendly transatlantic communication, particularly concerning the operation of Sixty-Eight Publishers in Toronto and work on writing for the seventieth birthday of the painter and poet Jiří Kolář in 1984. The letters also reveal Vladislav’s and Škvorecký’s lively and knowledgeable commentary on events in Czechoslovakia. As contemporaries and as participants in the arts, Vladislav and Škvorecký not only had the experience of exile, but also looked soberly at the events of the 1950s and 1960s.
Klíčová slova:
exilová literatura; Jan Vladislav; Josef Škvorecký; Jiří Kolář; Sixty-Eight Publishers (nakladatelství)
exile literature; Jan Vladislav; Josef Škvorecký; Jiří Kolář; Sixty-Eight Publishers
Jareš, Michal: „Takhle to setkání po letech musíme nechat na jinou chvíli.“ Korespondence Jana Vladislava a Josefa Škvoreckého v letech 1980–1984. Literární archiv 55, Jan Vladislav. Ke 100. výročí narození, 2024. Ed. Michal Jareš, s. 116–169; https://doi.org/10.63013/la.2023.05.